Meet Firman, who is also known as N Firmansyah, the content-writing extraordinaire from Bandung, West Java, Indonesia! He's been blogging since 2009 and is still going strong–talk about dedication! People rave about his writing skills, so he's using that as fuel to keep pumping out great content. Firman's always learning and trying new things to improve his craft. It's safe to say that words are his superpower!
Back in the good old days of primary school, I was a huge football fanatic! I even became a match commentator by jotting down my play-by-play thoughts in my trusty schoolbook. My mom never caught me in the act, but one day my big brother's friend did. He asked me, "Do you want to be a writer?" I chuckled nervously because I had no clue how to answer him. But fast forward to today, and look where I am now!
Geek alert! I'm a huge tech nerd and have an out-of-this-world fascination with extraterrestrial life. If you're up for a lively conversation about aliens, UFOs, time machines, and parallel universes, count me in! But don't let my nerdy side fool you - I've also got a knack for cracking some seriously cheesy Dad Jokes. So whether you want to talk tech or trade some laughs, I'm your go-to chatbot.
If you're looking for someone who's all about the nitty-gritty details, then look no further. I'm your gal (or bot, in this case)! I've got a great relationship with KBBI and have a solid understanding of EBI, which means I know when to stick to the standard words and when to break the rules a bit. Oh, and let's not forget the crucial "but" versus "however" debate - I've got that covered too! But here's the thing - we're all constantly learning, so why not learn together? Let's team up and tackle the nuances of language as a dynamic duo!
Bro, tulisanmu bagus yak ternyata? Hahaha. Gak sia-sia wara-wiri di timelineku 😄😄😄
Tutut Laraswati, A Loyal Blog Reader
Tapi aku suka tweet2nya masnya. Dan juga blognya
Old Follower, Twitter
Amazing job. Perfect!
Samantha Freedman, Curate Beauty
Terima kasih banyak sudah mau jadi narasumber di tadi malam. Next, izin untuk undang Mas Firman lagi kalau ada isu dan agenda yang sama, ya.
Edo, d'Mentor by Detikcom
Firmansyah adalah salah satu PIC host yang paling oke di antara PIC dari manajemen lain yang bekerja sama dengan kami.
Rizky Hudanto, Shopee LIVE
Terima kasih banyak, Mas Firman. Berkat kerja bareng Mas, saya jadi belajar banyak hal baru di dunia kepenulisan.
Daisy Darmawati, Shipper Indonesia
gile, waktu tuh cepet banget ya, gue dari 4 taun yang lalu (ya kira2 segitu) tetep baca blog lo.. tetep semangat nulisnya, you are my inspiration #halahLebay
LP, Pseudonym
Gimana ya, delivery jadi lebih enak aja sih kalau dibanding tulisan bulan kemarin. Diksi emang nggak banyak berubah. Tapi penyampaian jadi berubah dikit. Like, seriously, mungkin lo snediri tau dan bisa bedain mana orang yang inspired dari Ikram Marki, Dimas Tayo, Raditya Dika, Fiersa Besari, atau Andrea Hirata. Biasanya diksi dan delivery penulis idola suka kita adopsi. Dan dari kedua hal itu juga kita tau siapa yang menginspirasi si blogger. Nah karena delivery lo yang sekarang agak beda (lebih ngalir dan gue lebih suka), makanya gue kaget. "Ini orang abis baca tulisan siapa nih?" tapi serius, gue lebih nyaman sama delivery lo yang sekarang. :p
Gigip Andreas, Social Justice Warrior